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How Much Do Americans Spend on Their Health and Fitness in the Post-Covid era?

As restrictions lift and the country opens back up, Americans are returning to their pre-pandemic habits and heavily investing in their health and fitness.
Curiosity got the best of us and we wanted to see just how much Americans are investing in their health.
The results are shocking...
Americans spend an average of $503.05 a month on their health and fitness!
Which puts them at $6,036.60 a year and a spend of $368,232.60 over the span of their adult lives.
Before we dive into the data, let's rewind a bit and take a trip down memory lane to see where all the past Benjamins went...
1960's: Weight Watchers, Belt Massagers,
1980's: The Protein Powder and Bodybuilding Boom, Step Aerobics, Jazzercise
2000's: The Master Cleanse, Zumba, Pilates, Yoga
2020's: CrossFit, Obstacle Course Races, Peloton, Kettlebells, Sports Nutrition.
Although the trends have drastically changed from decade to decade, you can count on Americans to fork over their hard-earned dough and trade it in for some type of body enhancement, whether we're talking supplements, gym memberships, home gym equipment...let's see where these hard-earned dollars are going.
We surveyed 933 respondents so you can see how you stack up compared to the average American.

Are you a cheap ass? Average spender? An elite specimen with revolving supplement and gym subscriptions?
Or one of those "athletes" wasting their money on a laundry list of subscriptions, but never actually plans on using them?
Let's find out!
We surveyed 933 Americans to find out how much they spend monthly on their health and fitness.
Participants were surveyed in the following categories:
- Supplements
- Weight Loss Products
- Energy + Caffeine Supplements
- Protein Powders + Protein Foods
- Gym Memberships + Fitness Apps
- Vitamins + Minerals
Let's get to it!
On average, Americans spend $68.30 on supplements every month and over $49,000 in supplements over their adult lives - you could buy a Tesla, Model 3 of course, with that kind of money!

11.16% of Americans reported spending over $100 on supplements each month, which puts them at a minimum of $73,200 worth of lifetime supplements.
While the top 3.65% of Americans spend at least $150 a month putting them at a lifetime supplement value of $109,800!
Now we've upgraded to a Model X.
This is getting interesting...let's keep at it.
...especially for the seasons!
Wedding season, bikini season, new year new you, spring break...it just doesn't stop!
But it makes perfect sense when you take a look at the numbers!
Americans spend a whopping $33 billion, yes BILLION, on weight loss products each year! We're talking fat burners, cleansers, appetite suppressants, the list goes on and on and on.
With 45 million Americans putting themselves on diets each year, the weight loss industry isn't slowing down any time soon. Americans like to lose weight and they'll cough up a pretty penny.
This means that on average, 14% of Americans are spending upwards of $733 a year to shed those unwanted pounds.
We can't tell you if it's working or not, but we can tell you they're spending.
So if you're in the supplement game, jump on the weight loss products stat. (Kidding, don't steal our thunder)
According to our survey, 39.38% of Americans spend anywhere from $50-100 on weight loss supplements each month.
Interestingly enough, Indiana had the most respondents coughing up more than $150 per month on weight loss supplements. Surprising to say the least - What’s happening in Indiana? Either the food is really good, causing their residents to order appetite suppressants in bulk or Indiana’s residents just look good year round.
Not surprising, California had the highest percentage of respondents purchasing monthly weight loss supplements.
Now this makes sense!
With aspiring actors, models, and nice weather year-round, of course you need a trim bod. Plus, Californians may need some extra help with all the Mexican food and taco trucks on every corner. Who can blame em?
Lowest on the totem pole goes to Utah, Vermont, and Wyoming. Who needs weight loss supplements when you got all that nature to explore and land to farm!

Let's face it, we're exhausted and need a boost.
According to the survey, 92% of Americans have a steady portion of their salary going to:
- Energy Drinks
- Pre Workout
- Or anything caffeinated to get their ass to the gym.
14% of respondents divulged that they spend up to $150 on energy supplements each month.
With that budget, you could get one of the following each month:
- 3 jars of Pre Workout
- 37 Red Bulls
- 50 5-Hour Energy Shots
- 81 cups of Starbucks Coffee
That means, in one year, you could have your choice of 36 jars of pre workout, 444 Red Bulls, 600 energy shots, or 972 cups of coffee!
That put things into perspective real quick.
On the other end of the spectrum, 8.04% of Americans reported that they spend absolutely nothing on caffeinated drinks or supplements.
From this, we can conclude that either a) they're walking around like zombies or b) they ride their natural spunk through life while the rest of us chug away.
Either way, those caffeine numbers sure are an eye-opener.
Looking to build muscle...protein!
Need to lose weight...protein!
Want a thicc booty...protein!!
It's the answer to looking good and that's what we're here for.

The global protein market was valued at 20.47 billion in 2021 and is expected to steadily increase through 2030 at an annual rate of 8.5%.
Meaning, that by 2030 the protein market will be valued at around 46.28 billion dollars!
93% of Americans responded that they purchase some type of protein supplement each month with almost 60% of those individuals spending over $100 a month on protein powder alone.
The biggest spenders are coming out of Texas, California, Indiana, North Carolina, and New York.
While some of the lowest spenders reside in Florida, Illinois, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
7% of respondents mentioned that they don't spend a dime on protein supplements.
America's love of protein has begun to take over the snack world as well and we're not just talking about chalky protein bars from the 80's. We've got quite creative since then.
The protein snack world now offers:
- Protein Chips
- Protein Puffs
- Protein Rice Krispies
- Protein Peanut Butter Cups
- Protein Cookies
- Protein Cereal
- Protein Breakfast Bars
- Protein Wafers
...you can even find protein water for christ's sake.
I guess we can say, Americans love their protein!

Over half of all Americans spend a minimum of $100 each month on protein snacks, while 5% of Americans spend OVER $150 a month on these protein-packed novelties.
Meaning...most Americans are spending anywhere from $1,200-$1,800 a year on high-protein snacks.
With all this protein, maybe we should do a survey of protein farts next. (wink)
Moving on...
Did you know that the US has the most fitness centers in the world?
In 2022, there were 106,132 fitness centers spread nationwide and by fitness centers we mean, gyms, Crossfit boxes, Anytime Fitness, 24 Hour Fitness, private health and fitness clubs, etc.
To put this into perspective, there are more fitness centers spread across the nation than the top ten US food chains combined.
So, we really have no excuse.
106,132 fitness centers to choose from and only 78,257 fast food chains trying to kick you off the wagon.
These states have the most gym, health, and fitness clubs:
Almost 50% of respondents reported that they spend anywhere from $50-$100 on monthly membership fees. With this budget, these individuals are most likely going to:
YMCA - $51.00/mo.
Gold's Gym - $59.99/mo.
Snap Fitness - $61.95/mo.
Lifetime Fitness - $79.00/mo.
15.22% of respondents reported spending over $100 a month on their membership fees. They're either going to premium spots or have multiple gym memberships.
"Download my fitness app!", is the one-liner taking the social media world by storm.
Every fitness influencer wants to monetize their following, so it's only natural for them to create a fitness app that gives their followers access to their personalized workouts.
Which makes sense as Millennials make up the largest group of individuals paying for these services.

85.42% of Americans have anywhere from 1-3 monthly recurring fitness app subscriptions.
Who's online?
According to IHRSA, 25% of Gen Z pays for monthly online services, while 35% of Millenials, 27% of Gen X, and 4% of Boomers are also streaming apps.
If you're unfamiliar with the generations,
- Gen Z: 10-25 year-olds
- Millennials: 26-41 year-olds
- Gen X: 41-57 year-olds
- Boomers: 58-67 year-olds
We know what you're thinking...Boomers?
Yes, they are totally capable of setting up a stream. Hell, if my 77-year-old grams can download Black Jack to her Android, Boomers can set up a stream and get a workout in.
So, where do you stack up compared to the average American?
Are you a weight loss fanatic, caffeine junky, protein hoarder, elite fitness member, or all of the above?
Whatever your cup of tea is, we know one thing for certain, Americans spend a pretty penny on health and fitness.