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Top 20 Alkaline Foods to Benefit Your Body

Whether you eat or drink your veggies...food is medicine, and medicine is basic.
According to the alkaline diet it is.
But wtf is alkaline? It's what the pH scale refers to as "basic" - objects that have a pH range above 7.0.
Let us explain...
(If you already understand the pH scale and just want the food list, scroll twice.)
Let's get sciency...
pH = potential hydrogen > which tells us how much hydrogen is in a solution and how active the hydrogen ion of that solution is.
High concentrations of hydrogen ions = low pH values = ACIDIC.
Low concentrations of hydrogen ions = high pH values = BASIC or ALKALINE
The pH scale ranges from 0-14. Objects are given a specific pH value to show whether they are more or less acidic.
- Acidic: 0 - 6.9
- Neutral: 7
- Alkaline: 7.1-14
But if a food is considered acidic, does that mean it's acid-forming? Does that mean it's bad? Not necessarily which brings us to PRALS...
PRAL = Potential Renal Acid Load.
In layman's terms, it's a measurement of the amount of acid or alkali that is produced in your body based on the foods you eat.

Different than pH values, PRAL values help us decipher whether a food is acid-forming or not.
Let's take citrus fruits for example. On the pH scale, they are considered "acidic", however since they do not produce acid in the body, they are considered low PRAL and technically alkaline.
High PRAL = Acidic Forming Foods
Low PRAL = Alkaline Foods
We get it, a little confusing, but remember this...
pH values tell us whether a food is acidic or alkaline (on its own).
PRAL values tell us whether that said food is acid-forming once we consume it.
Now let's get into the reason you're really here...the BEST ALKALINE FOODS!
Let's take a look at the top 20 alkaline foods and their benefits.
- Apricot
- Avocado
- Banana
- Blueberries
- Lemon
- Mango
- Medjool Dates
- Peach
- Pear
- Raspberry
- Carrot
- Broccoli
- Eggplant
- Jerusalem Artichoke
- Kale
- Spinach
- Sweet Potato
- Tomato
- Sea Salt
- Raw Apricots = -4.3 Alkaline
- Dried Apricots = -33 Highly Alkaline
A food's alkalinity has the potential to change based on how it's consumed; raw, dried, cooked, boiled, etc. This is especially true for apricots and all dried fruits in that regard.
In its raw state, apricots are highly alkaline, however once dried and dehydrated, that alkalinity heavenly increases.
When fruits are dehydrated and all water is expunged, the positively charged ions become more concentrated which increases the alkalinity of the fruit.
Basically, the alkalinity becomes more concentrated when already alkaline fruits are put through a drying process.
Tip: Improve the ph balance of slightly alkaline fruits and vegetables by putting them through a dehydrating process.
- Rich in vitamins C, E, & K
- Rich in Folate, Magnesium, and Potassium
- Provide B vitamins, Healthy Fats, and Carotenoids
Avocados are a superfood with a strong nutrition profile and taste great on and in anything; toast, tacos, smoothies, or just plain with salt and pepper.
Full of vitamins C, E, K and right in folate, magnesium, and potassium, avocados are a great source of healthy fats that our cells need to thrive and function well.
The folate content of avocados are especially interesting as folate is a known vitamin necessary to reduce the risk of neural tube defects. Aside from prenatal essentials, folate has been studied to have anti-depressive properties.
Now it makes sense why that extra guac is so f*cken expensive. It's basically a happy pill scooped up with a chip. Next time, buy the damn guac and be happy knowing it fits into your alkaline diet.
- Rich in vitamin B6 & C
- Great source of Fiber, Potassium, & Magnesium
Bananas are a superior choice for alkaline diets as they are simple yet versatile. Moderate in sugar and a great source of fiber, vitamins, and electrolytes, bananas help to improve digestive health, aid in weight control and boost heart health.

The potassium and antioxidant content of bananas aid and support healthy blood pressure and overall heart health.
1.3-1.4 grams of daily potassium consumption has been studied to decrease the risk of heart disease by 26%.
Even more interesting is the fiber and pectin content of green bananas which have been linked to improved digestive health.
Easily incorporate bananas into smoothies, smoothie bowls, and baked goods.
- Nutrient Dense
- Antioxidant-Rich
- Improves Athletic Recovery
An antioxidant-rich berry, blueberries are a welcome alkaline food add-on for any smoothie or salad.
Daily blueberry consumption is linked to:
Improved Heart Health: Daily consumption of 150g of blueberries was studied to reduce the risk of heart disease by 15%.
Improved Cognitive Functions: The antioxidant content of blueberries promotes brain health by reducing oxidative stress. Studies have shown that blueberries can improve memory, especially in older adults.
Post-Workout Recovery: For the athletes out there, it's wise to start adding blueberries to your post-workout shakes. By reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, blueberries reduce post-workout soreness and fatigue to improve muscle recovery.
- High in Vitamin C
- High in Pectin
- Supports the Immune System
Another tricky one, lemons are considered to be "highly acidic" but their PRAL value tells us that they should be kept off the acid-forming foods list.
Lemons are great sources of citric acid and are naturally acidic, however our metabolism prevents them from creating an acidic environment in our bodies. Once ingested, stomach acid takes over and breaks down the once acidic lemon into alkaline components that promote an alkaline environment in the human body.
High in vitamin C, 100g of lemon contains 53mg of vitamin C, which is over half the amount of the recommended daily intake to support a strong immune system.
Lemons have also been studied to improve digestive health, support cardiovascular health, reduce the risk of kidney stones, and aid in weight management to support a healthy weight.
- Nutrient Dense
- High Fiber Content
- Rich in vitamins A, C, K, & E
A tropical powerhouse mangoes are nutrient-dense and f*cken delicious.
High in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, mangoes are great for digestive health due to it's high amylase content.
Amylases are digestive enzymes that help break down complex carbs to improve digestion. The riper the mango, the more amylases.
Aside from digestion, studies have shown that mangoes also...
- improve blood sugar in obese individuals.
- protect against oxidative stress.
- are high in vitamin A to support healthy vision.
Use this veggie, pineapple, and mango smoothie bowl recipe to put those mangoes to good use.
- Rich in Potassium
- B Vitamins
- Great Source of "Quick Energy"
Sweet, gooey, goodness. Medjool dates are one of our top picks for more alkaline foods.
A great source of natural sugar, dates provide quick energy and are a great choice as a pre-workout snack.
But...if you're planning on snacking on them, keep these numbers in mind, one date, yes ONE DATE comes out to:
- 67 calories
- 18g carbs
- 16g sugar
- Vitamins A, C, E, & K
- Potassium, Niacin, Copper, & Manganese
- May Reduce Allergy Symptoms
Although peaches aren't the highest on the alkaline list, they are full of antioxidants and have a unique niacin profile. Niacin, also known as B3 is crucial for our energy systems and metabolic health.
The most interesting fact about peaches is that they may reduce allergies and inflammation by preventing the release of histamines, which are known to cause allergic reactions.
Enjoy peaches and NO cream.
- Rich in vitamins C & K
- Copper & Potassium
- Antioxidant-Rich
Slightly alkaline and high in fiber, pears are a great choice to add to alkaline diets because of their nutritional profile.
Studies show that pears;
- promote gut health and aid in weight management due to their fiber content.
- reduce inflammation and improve heart health due to their antioxidant content.
- Low Calories
- Rich in Vitamin C
- Rich in Manganese
- Antioxidant-Rich
A nutrient-dense powerhouse similar to blueberries, red raspberries are known for their high vitamin C content which is crucial for a strong immune system.
100g of raspberries provide 23mg of vitamin C which comes out to roughly 25-30% of the recommended daily allowances for men and women 19+.
The high vitamin c content of raspberries can help to;
- Protect against oxidative stress and free radicals.
- Improve collagen synthesis in the human body.
- Improve wound healing and tissue repair.

- Rich in vitamins A, B6, & K1
- Rich in Biotin & Potassium
Mainly composed of carbs and water, carrots are known to improve eye health, but can also regulate blood pressure, improve digestion, and support heart health.
Carrots are known to be rich in beta-carotene which the body metabolizes and converts into vitamin A which is crucial for optimal functioning of the immune and reproductive systems, as well as normal vision.
Secondly, carrots are a rich source of biotin that helps regulate metabolism and strengthen hair, skin, and nails.
You can increase your carrot intake by adding slices to your salads, incorporating them into stews, or juicing them with fresh orange juice for a nutrition alkaline drink.
- Cruciferous Vegetable
- High Fiber
- Rich in Antioxidants
Nutrient-dense both cooked or raw, broccoli is an easy staple to add to a balanced diet.
However they are high in FODMAPs, so if you need low-FODMAP foods, steer away from broccoli or you may become uncomfortably bloated and worse yet, gassy.
A powerhouse cruciferous vegetable, broccoli has a high fiber content that can aid digestion.
- Has a high antioxidant profile.
- Helps to lower blood sugar.
- Improves digestion.
- May protect against certain cancer cells like breast, prostate, and colon cancers.
...and much much more!
One interesting fact is that broccoli has the potential to improve bone health due to its vitamin K1 content.
- High in Anthocyanins
- Rich in vitamins A & C
- Low Calorie and Nutrient Dense
Also referred to as aubergines and nutritionally similar to tomatoes, eggplants are high in flavonoids called anthocyanins which have tremendous health benefits and antidiabetic, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-obesity properties.
Anthocyanins are antioxidants that are typically found in blue, purple, and red fruit and vegetable food groups.
In an eggplant, you will find a concentrated dose of anthocyanins in its skin, so make sure not to peel the skin off before cooking, but instead try roasting, sauteeing, or even boiling it with the skin on to get the most nutrients.
- Supports Gut Health
- Improves Digestive Health
- Thiamine Rich
Unlike the artichokes that you eat in spinach artichoke dip, Jerusalem artichokes are a root that is commonly used for prebiotic purposes.
To add them to your diet you can cook them like you would a potato, roast, boil, or mash, however they can be difficult to find at your local market.
In this case, prebiotic supplements typically incorporate Jerusalem artichoke for their fiber content and gut health properties.
15. KALE
- Antioxidant-Rich
- Highly Alkaline
- Vitamins A, C, & E
Next time someone hates on kale, tell them to shut the kale up!
This green leafy vegetable is RICH in vitamins A, C, and K and has high concentrations of flavonoids that are commonly found in fruits and vegetables.
Flavonoids benefit you by fighting free radicals to reduce oxidative stress, decrease inflammation, and improve cognitive functions.
You can incorporate kale into your diet by adding it to smoothies, fresh juices, and salads.
- Vitamins A + K Rich
- Improves Exercise
- Improves Cognitive Aging
- Aids in Lowering Blood Pressure
Spinach is a highly alkaline food that is readily utilized by the body's metabolic system.
Like kale, spinach is rich in organic nitrates which have been known to improve exercise performance during cardiovascular workouts.
Studies also show that certain foods like spinach can lead to successful cognitive aging and that increased spinach intake can be beneficial in lowering high blood pressure.
Add more green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale to your diet.
- Antioxidant-Rich
- Anti-Inflammatory Properties
- Nutrient Dense
Spirulina is a nutrient-dense superfood that should be added to any alkaline diet.
The blue-green algae that is taking the nutrition world by storm, Spirulina is a powerful antioxidant that helps to reduce inflammation, lower bad cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, and reduce oxidative stress.
Spirulina is readily available in veggie powder supplements, can be taken in tablet or capsule form, or can be added to smoothies and smoothie bowls.
- High Fiber
- Antioxidant-Rich
- Complex Carbs
Like carrots, sweet potatoes have high concentrations of beta carotene that the body metabolizes into vitamin A, which we know is important for eye health among other benefits.
Aside from beta carotene, sweet potatoes are also great sources of fiber, potassium, and vitamins C, B5, B6, and E.
Lastly, sweet potatoes are complex carbs that slow down digestion which makes them a perfect alkaline food to add to a balanced meal to support weight loss and management.
This one's a little tricky.
Although tomatoes have an acidic pH, they are considered alkaline because of their low PRALs. (Similar to citrus fruits, like lemon above.)
Tomatoes, very much like avocados, are a pure alkaline fruit with a lot of helpful nutrients to give a much-needed boost. Their lycopene content is also of interest to scientists, who agree that its concentration in tomatoes exceeds that of other fruits.
Lycopene is a carotenoid, a phytonutrient (meaning that is exclusively found in plants) that is responsible for the red hue of tomatoes and other brightly-colored plants.
Lycopene is one of the strongest antioxidants and is responsible for a lot of tomatoes benefits to health.
- Flavor Enhancer
- Rich in Trace Minerals
- Regulates Fluid Balance and Blood Pressure
Now, what's a meal without some flavor?
There are more highly alkaline-forming seasonings and spices out there (scroll to the bottom of this faqs for a full list), but mostly all of us use salt...daily, it's a kitchen staple.
On top of flavoring your foods, you can add sea salt fresh juices to increase electrolyte consumption and aid in digestion.
With all the bullshit information on the internet, here's some straight to the point, no non-sense lists of the best alkalizing foods.
The alkaline diet puts foods into these three categories
- Acid Forming: meat, fish, eggs, and dairy.
- Neutral: starches, natural fats, and sugars.
- Alkalizing: fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes
Alfalfa, barley, beet greens, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, chard greens, chlorella, collard greens, cucumber, dandelions, dulce, edible flowers, eggplant, fermented veggies, garlic, green beans, green peas, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, nightshade veggies, onions, parsnips, peas, peppers, pumpkin, radish, rutabaga, sea veggies, spinach, spirulina, sprouts, sweet potatoes, taro root, tomatoes, watercress, wheat grass, and wild greens.
Apple, apricot, avocado, banana, berries, blackberries, cantaloupe, cherries, coconut, currants, dates, dried figs, dried grasp, grapefruit, honeydew melon, lemon, lime, muskmelons, nectarine, orange, peach, pear, pineapple, raisins, raspberries, rhubarb, strawberries, tangerine, tomato, tropical fruits, umeboshi plums, and watermelon.
Yes, there are plant-based proteins that are alkalizing and they include; pumpkin seeds, raw chestnuts, raw soybeans, and hazelnuts.
*Animal proteins are considered acid-forming.
Dried parsley, dried cumin seeds, chilli powder, fresh rosemary. fresh dill, fresh parsley, fresh ginger, fresh garlic, and salt.
Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are a great option, but...
If you're short on time, we got you. Try our alkalizing greens powder and put some pep in that step.
Coconut water and alkaline water are also great options.
For those interested, alcohol is the least acid-forming with a PRAL of -0.2.
If you're on a low-acid diet for personal health reasons, you may be medically advised to limit consuming acid-forming foods, even acidic fruits and vegetables, but this doesn't make them "bad".
Some of our favorite foods to eat, which we also rely on for essential nutrients and a balanced diet, are considered acid forming foods:
- Animal Protein (Beef, Fish, Organ Meats, Salmon, Tuna, Turkey)
- Dairy
- Whey Protein Powder
Alkaline-forming foods typically consist of fruits, vegetables, plant-based proteins, and ZERO processed foods.
Adding alkaline foods to your diet can't hurt, especially since they are packed with nutrients and vitamins.
If you're struggling to get in your daily amount of fruits and vegetables and are short on time, use an alkalizing veggies supplement to fill the gaps in your diet.